KI / ChatGPT in Lehre und Forschung

Zunächst werden die Begriffe Künstliche Intelligenz und ChatGPT erläutert. Anschließend wird auf die verschiedenen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Künstlichen Intelligenzen und Sprachmodellen in der Lehre und Forschung eingegangen. Abschließend werden die Vor- und Nachteile von Künstlicher Intelligenz diskutiert.
[Anmerkung: dieser Text ist AI-generiert auf Basis der Eingabe "Abstract zu Künstliche Intelligenz und ChatGPT in Lehre und Forschung."]

Für die sich unmittelbar an die Keynote anschließende Podiumsdiskussion konnten zusätzlich zu den beiden Vortragenden auch Elke Höfler (Universität Graz), Alice Watanabe (Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe) und Anita Weidmann (Universität Innsbruck) gewonnen werden.

Lars Mehnen studied computer science and medical computer science at the TU-Vienna (Thesis: Simulation of a neural controlled muscles system). He obtained his PhD (Dr-techn. Thesis: ferromagnetic amorphous bending sensors for artery wall displacement measurement: simulation and practice) at the mathmatics department of the TU-Vienna. During that time he worked as an assistant Professor at the Institute of Fundamentals and Theory of Electrical Engineering for 10 years, where he optimized transformer-core magnatization patterns. He worked as the team lead  in the EC-Project B-Sens, an European project in the 5th framework, involving 5 European countries, several university institutions and commercial companies, which was the result of his PhD-thesis. In August 2003 Lars Mehnen joined the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien as lector, and was promoted to Prof(FH) in 2010. His fields of research include machine learning algorithms, AI applications, simulations, data analysis, statistics and optimizations. In these fields he published more than 50 scientific journal papers resulting in H index of 12 (see e.g. ).

Bernhard Knapp studied bioinformatics in Hagenberg and Heidelberg. He obtained his PhD and Habilitation in biomedical computer simulations from the Medical University of Vienna. After his Habilitation at the Medical University of Vienna he did a research fellowship at the University of Oxford (Department of Statistics and Computer Science) where he also became Associate Director of a Doctoral Training Centre. After four years in the UK he moved as Associate Professor to the UIC Barcelona where he spent another three years leading a research group before returning to Austria into an industry position at the biotech company in Vienna. As chief data scientist he managed a team of data scientists and analysts in symptoms-to-disease predictions. In August 2021 Bernhard Knapp joined the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien as Program Director of the master in “Artificial Intelligence Engineering”. His fields of research include machine learning algorithms, AI applications, immuno/bio-informatics, data analysis, and molecular simulations. In these fields he published 50 scientific journal papers (20 first authorships, 11 senior authorships, 4 times on the cover) resulting in H index of 26 (see e.g.

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